Gary Lite
The Secrets They Don’t want You to Know – How to Decalcify Your Pituitary Gland and Pineal Gland, our 3rd Eye

The Secrets They Don’t want You to Know – How to Decalcify Your Pituitary Gland and Pineal Gland, our 3rd Eye

Fluoride is a Halide and is part of a family of chemicals. These chemicals and frequency blockers are identified as sodium fluoride in our water, Together with aluminum, and mercury in vaccines, daily spraying in our atmosphere, with barium which becomes radioactive, vaporized aluminum, which is proven to be a frequency blocker, radiation, fluorine, chlorine, pesticides, bromine, bromide chemicals, air pollution, (chemtrails) and other various household products, which are all mimickers of iodine or frequency blockers that effect our bodies from evolving to higher states of health and consciousness. In combination with the Common Core Curriculum are indeed dumbing down the human species.

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Consciousness Creates Reality – Quantum Physics Explains

Consciousness Creates Reality – Quantum Physics Explains

Have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of someone else that you have become, and looked at yourself through the eyes of the ultimate observer? Who are we? Where do we come from? And what is our purpose in life? In a world full of endless possibilities, why do we[…]

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Know Thyself - Self-Realization is the Greatest Service YOU CAN GIVE to the World

Know Thyself – Self-Realization is the Greatest Service YOU CAN GIVE to the World

By: Gary Lite The Year is 2018, in this period of time, a rapidly rising collective consciousness is settling in our society. No matter what country you are in, or whatever city you are from in the world, people are starting to wake up to the real problems that the[…]

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Money – The Root of all Evil

Money – The Root of all Evil

From tornado’s, hurricanes, landslides, earthquakes, and money… the root of all evil.

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A Dream within a Dream

A Dream within a Dream

Throughout my journey searching for the truth of everything in this world, I certainly realized that there are many paths to choose from in life and in my studies of ancient hidden knowledge, science, physics, mathematics, natural health and anything else that I felt was important to learn, but one thing for certain is that the truth shall set you free.

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