By eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve learned desire, from this moment, right and wrong, is filtered through the need to feel pleasure and avoid suffering. Stripped of their connection to the divine, Adam and Eve, as symbols of humanity, were cast out of Eden, to wonder in a wilderness of suffering and ignorance. By using the sexual force to stimulate desire, the fire of Eve became inverted, flowing in the opposite direction. The serpent fell, forming the famous tale of Satan. Stimulating the seven inverted virtues, the seven capital sins.
Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, however, the gateway back to Eden and the tree of Life was never closed or locked. Instead, Jehovah Elohim sent a carol beam with a flaming sword to guard the entrance. The entrance to the garden of Eden is the same door through which Adam and Eve departed. Humanity is not locked out of Eden but a Cairo beam is left to grant entrance, only to those who have earned the right to return and only those who have conquered the tempting serpent have earned that right.
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