Increasing Human Energy by Harnessing the Sun’s Energy According to Nikola Tesla

Increasing Human Energy by Harnessing the Sun’s Energy According to Nikola Tesla

Of all the endless variety of phenomena which nature presents to our senses, there is none that fills our minds with greater wonder than that inconceivably complex movement which, in its entirety, we designate as human life.

Its mysterious origin is veiled in the forever impenetrable mist of the past, its character is rendered incomprehensible by its infinite intricacy, and its destination is hidden in the unfathomable depths of the future.

Life craves energy and subconsciously you’ll always choose the path of least resistance because of that. That’s why high calorie food tastes better, that’s why whenever your beliefs are questioned you naturally refuse any arguments, that’s why people feel more depressed when there is no sunshine outside.

All default responses are just energy saving reactions; ‘more calories’ means more energy, changing the structure of your beliefs requires energy, and it’s more efficient to do less when you are lacking the energy of the sun.

How can we gain more energy? How can we raise our consciousness and increase our intelligence?

According to Nikola Tesla, more energy means higher levels of operating power for our consciousness. If you apply time to this ‘equation’ it means that the longer we sustain higher levels of energy for our consciousness, the more intelligence we download from The Universe, the more intelligence we integrate into our being.

What is the source of our energy?

“First let us ask: Whence comes all the motive power?

What is the spring that drives all?

We see the ocean rise and fall, the rivers flow, the wind, rain, hail, and snow beat on our windows, and the trains come and go; we here the voices from the street; we feel, smell, and taste; and we think of all this. And all this movement, from the surging of the mighty ocean to that subtle movement concerned in our thought, has but one common cause.

All this energy emanates from one single center, one single source, the sun. The sun is the spring that drives all. The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy.”

How to increase human energy?

The first step is increasing the human mass: In order to increase the energy, we have to think in terms of speed. Food is one of the most important elements of increasing your mass. What we consider as food is just processed sunlight. Plants, with their photosynthesis, combine carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and bind them through sunlight, forming the CHO molecule (fat) we consume through food and burn for energy. However, the actual energy comes from freeing the photons of light between the chemical bond. That’s what produces heat. That’s what gives calories, stored photons. We eat sunlight for energy!

Fruits, Vegetables, Meat, everything that we eat consumed the CHO molecules that the plants created. The energy that we consume through food is actually the same sunlight that plants used to forge these elements together. If we eat meat, we are consuming already consumed, unused CHO, as the only place that CHO comes is from photosynthesis. It’s second hand CHO in a way. Consuming CHO directly from plants, fruits and vegetables is certainly equivalent to adding mass of “higher velocity,”

“It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarous habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory, but a well-demonstrated fact.

Many races living almost exclusively on vegetables are of superior physique and strength. There is no doubt that some plant food, such as oatmeal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechanical and mental performance.”

Nikola Tesla says.

A Vegetarian is defined as someone who avoids eating all animal flesh, including fish and poultry.

Scientific research shows that Vegetarian and Vegan health benefits increase in many ways throughout the body, Such as:

  • Preventing Cancer. Vegetarian diets — naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. …
  • Beating Heart Disease. …
  • Lowering Blood Pressure. …
  • Preventing and Reversing Diabetes. …
  • Gallstones, Kidney Stones, and Osteoporosis. …
  • And much more…

Vegan diets are the healthiest overall.

Preventing Cancer

Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters. The consumption of second hand food is one of the main limits we put on ourselves for evolving as a race into more intelligent, kind and less animal like species.

“To free ourselves from animal instincts and appetites, which keep us down, we should begin at the very root from which we spring: we should effect a radical reform in the character of the food.” “Gambling, business rush, and excitement, particularly on the exchanges, are causes of much mass reduction”

“Whisky, wine, tea coffee, tobacco, and other such stimulants are responsible for the shortening of the lives of many and should be used with moderation. But I do not think that rigorous measures of suppression of habits followed through many generations are commendable. It is wiser to preach moderation than abstinence.”

To conclude: Consume food that’s closer to the sun, avoid unnecessary enlargements of your body that’ll use more energy, avoid energy wasting habits and unhealthy addictions that serve solely to your ego. Each man who practices these advices adds a ‘wagon’ with higher velocity to the ‘human train’ we all move.

There is a secret. When a man applies his effort so that, when coming into effect it will be in the direction of the collective human movement, the effort becomes most efficient and with less energy more is achieved. This means that as more people do more work towards a mutual goal, as more is achieved with less effort resulting in increase of mutual energy. This is true globally and individually. “Another answer we have now found to the above great question: To increase the force accelerating human movement means to turn to the uses of man more of the sun’s energy.”

Imagine what we can accomplish if we all focus our efforts toward creating more sustainable ways of generating energy; cleaning the earth; reducing hunger; finding solutions for interstellar travel; educating;

To conclude: Focusing your motive power and effort on one goal, towards the right direction of movement, will accelerate the velocity with which you move closer to your goal. With time, you’ll spend less effort and achieve more.


To gain your energy from the right sources means you gain more energy from less; reducing the retarding factors means you have less friction that wastes your energy; focusing your motive power towards the direction of the collective human movement means you use others’ energy to boost your energy.

Gain more energy, waste less energy, spend the energy so next time you’ll need less to achieve more. Increase human mass, reduce retarding force, and increase the force accelerating the human mass. Follow this process with reason.

Gain more, waste less, spend efficiently, learn.

That’s the secret formula for increasing human energy according to the great mind of Nikola Tesla.

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One comment

  1. gary nikola used imfo from john keely who invented anti gravitational forces in 1858 who also used liquid nitrogen too cool his devise when one sees how nikola tesla invented most items the seceret to 3 6 9 is simple vibrational forces in motion ether is then transfered to this dimention then the 432hz freq changes matter into all creation visiable too eyes that see after many years of meditation becomming one with all matter force vibrations of light opening up ones thought processes to spiritual understanding

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